(1) My hints may not work for you.
(2) The hints that worked for me to fix the errors I was making may not work with anyone else's body mechanics.
(3) The style taught by the teachers in your school may be quite different.
Good technique in one school can be very bad technique in another. Follow your teacher! I am not going to debate which style is better or what constitutes good technique. One day I may work out the math and uncover The Secrets of Power: Unlocking the Strength of Tae Kwon Do.TM Until then, trust those that developed the techniques taught in your school.
I am certainly not going to argue over the meaning of the name of my school. My teacher's teacher, Master Duk Kyung Choi, said it means "Blue Way" and has even explained it. That is good enough for me. I'll leave the arguing and debates to my teachers and the talk pages of Wikipedia. It doesn't belong here.
I hope these pages help you or at least increase your interest in pursuing a martial art, of whatever style and school.
updated 19 April 2013