♦ Kicks

This page gives an overview of various kicks taught in my school.  The links will take you to additional information I've pulled together on the kicks.  In some cases there are videos.  I don't vouch for how good the technique is in the videos, but it should give you an idea of how the kick is performed.   

The same caveats given on the Welcome page apply here.  I am not interested in an argument over technique, martial arts schools, or the politics of tae kwon do.

Defensive Kicks

  • back kick (white belt)
  • front-foot side-kick (green belt)
  • front-foot hook-kick (green belt)
  • front-foot round-kick (green belt)
  • jump back-kick (purple belt)
  • jumping-back back-kick
  • half-turn round-kick
  • jumping half-turn round kick

Offensive Kicks

  • sliding side-kick (yellow belt)
  • sliding hook-kick (yellow belt)
  • sliding round-kick (yellow belt)
  • sliding front-kick (yellow belt)
  • short-slide round-kick (yellow belt)
  • short-slide front-kick (yellow belt)
  • slide-slide side-kick (blue belt)
  • slide-slide hook-kick (blue belt)
  • slide-slide round-kick (blue belt)
  • double side-kick (blue belt)
  • double round-kick (blue belt)
  • tornado round-kick

Other Kicks

  • round kick (white belt)
  • front kick (white belt)
  • wheel kick (yellow belt)
  • double wheel-kick (red belt)
    updated 27 April 2013