The same caveats given on the Welcome page apply here. I am not interested in an argument over technique, martial arts schools, or the politics of tae kwon do.
Defensive Kicks
- back kick (white belt)
- front-foot side-kick (green belt)
- front-foot hook-kick (green belt)
- front-foot round-kick (green belt)
- jump back-kick (purple belt)
- jumping-back back-kick
- half-turn round-kick
- jumping half-turn round kick
Offensive Kicks
- sliding side-kick (yellow belt)
- sliding hook-kick (yellow belt)
- sliding round-kick (yellow belt)
- sliding front-kick (yellow belt)
- short-slide round-kick (yellow belt)
- short-slide front-kick (yellow belt)
- slide-slide side-kick (blue belt)
- slide-slide hook-kick (blue belt)
- slide-slide round-kick (blue belt)
- double side-kick (blue belt)
- double round-kick (blue belt)
- tornado round-kick
Other Kicks
- round kick (white belt)
- front kick (white belt)
- wheel kick (yellow belt)
- double wheel-kick (red belt)
updated 27 April 2013