These are the forms taught in my school. They were handed down to me by my teacher; who learned them from his teacher, Master Duk Kyung Choi; who learned them from his teacher, Grandmaster Won Kuk Lee; who brought them to Korea from Japan as he learned them from his teacher.
Other Tae Kwon Do schools, even other Chung Do Kwon schools, teach other forms. Our forms follow the movements of the forms in Shotokan Karate, although the proper technique in performing them is different. I pass no judgment on which forms are more-correct, and I am not interested in the politics.
White Belt
- taeguk I
- taeguk II
- taeguk III
Blue Belt
- pyong ahn II
- pyong ahn III
- pyong ahn IV
- pyong ahn V
updated 21 April 2013